
Advance Shipment Notice

An ‘advance ship notice’ or advance shipping Notice (ASN) is a notification of pending deliveries, similar to a packing list. Vendor ASN is a document prepared by a supplier (the shipper) & submitted to a retailer (the receiver) that specifies the shipping dates & physical attributes of the shipment-so the receiving party can be prepared for delivery  ·  –  ·

You can manage your business by keeping a track of the following through the app:

  • Date and time of delivery.
  • Information related to the order.
  • Information about the location.
  • Information on freight.
  • Physical details of the shipment.
  • Details of products.


Gate Entry Generation Through App

Once the ASN Document is verified.Then the user can click on the ‘Submit button’ and the ‘Gate Entry’ is being Generated Automatically and will be available in the  ERP system within in a flash This ‘Gate Entry’ is then Departed to ‘GRN’.

GRN is generated automatically with QR codes as per customer requirements.

Production Booking App

Once the material is transferred from Warehouse to Shop floor as per Work Order is completed. The Production Process is initiated. Which is carried out  with the Help of Production booking mobile app, the Production manager can book the production with the help of Production Booking App, easily.

On the Shop floor, Concern authorized user will Login to the QR code scanner app  with the unique Login id and Password. He will select required fields once all the required  Information is

entered then user will click on the ‘Submit’ button & production entry will generated automatically in ERP System

In the  production process for produced finished goods level, new QRcodes are being generated

& used to transfer those finished goods to warehouses for packing & further for dispatch

Warehouse Automation System

The easy-to-use warehouse management system offered by PC Soft ERP Solutions have completely changed the way material transfer are done in your organization & makes your inventory flow hassle-free.

When material is received in the store & it is inspected, after quality check a QR code Sticker is generated, & material is stored in the bins or racks. Whenever there is an internal transfer, the ‘Store Person’ needs to scan only the QR codes in the  QRcode Scanner app. After verifying, a transfer entry is being generated in ERP. This automation helps the ‘store’s person’ to manage stock in an organized manner, which in turn results in a seamless inventory flow throughout the manufacturing process.

QR Code will be scanned in following transactions:

  1. Gate Entry
  2. Transfer Warehouse to Warehouse
  3. Transfer Warehouse to Shop floor
  4. Transfer Shop floor to Shop floor
  5. Transfer Shop floor to Warehouse
  6. Packing Slip/ Dispatch Order